Grupo imesAPI is a leading group in the promotion, development, building and management of projects and services. Our sustained success is rooted in a corporate culture focused on satisfying our clients’ needs, by means of an efficient organization and a dynamic and pro-active management; a competitive advantage, based in the high quality of our team, state-of-the-art technologies and the constant innovation in each of our projects; and a constant effort to increase our shareholders’ profitability, operating with the highest ethical standards.

Corporate Responsibility
Commitment to the Social Setting
APIfabricación acknowledges its duty to add value to the communities in which it operates. As a large civil infrastructure company, APIfabricación is committed to creating quality employment, diversity in the workforce, a safe and ethical work environment and economic growth and social expansion in the markets it serves.
Commitment to the Natural Environment
APIfabricación is committed to all levels of sustainable development. Our designs and projects take into account the environment and aim to minimize short and long -term costs. The fight against climate change, respect for biodiversity and an efficient use of resources are part of the core values of APIfabricación’s business model.
Commitment to the Creation of Value
APIfabricación acknowledges that the long-term return of value should not only include its shareholders, but clients, employees and communities as well. In order to create value for the future, APIfabricación is committed to meeting the needs of all its partners.
Commitment to Integrity
APIfabricación is committed to doing all stages of business with the highest compliance to the laws and ethics. The company and its employees operate with complete transparency and integrity in their relations with customers and suppliers, as the basis of their business model.
Commitment to Technological Development
The global positioning of APIfabricación is the direct result of its commitment to technological innovation, satisfying the needs of clients with dynamic and creative solutions. At the forefront of infrastructure development, APIfabricación sets the standard for finding new and better ways to do business and meet the needs of its clients. Promoting technical and technological development through its R&D+i (Research&Development+Innovation) department and the sustainability of the group’s activities.