Human Resources
Grupo imesAPI, aware of the crucial importance of having properly trained staff, has a program of continuous training and skills development aimed at covering those gaps and training needs of employees as identified during the year and which are in line with the competences established in management models.
The training plan aims to meet the training needs of employees for the correct execution of their work and for their professional development. This training plan is continually updated to fit the needs of each area and ultimately of each person.
We adapt the training to various profiles: online and classroom training, specific, general and tailored courses, etc.
Specifically, the companies of Grupo imesAPI give training in areas connected with, among others, the following:
- Technological specialization in the managerial and productive systems
- Knowledge of the services we provide
- Quality and environment policies
- Ethics and integrity, gender equality and workplace harassment
- Safety at work
Prevention of Occupational Risks
The prevention of occupational risks is one of the strategic pillars of APIfabricación. The company is committed to reaching the highest standards in this matter, thus becoming a benchmark in safety and health, not only of its employees, but also of those of its suppliers, contractors and collaborating companies.
The main challenge lies in designing and implementing a prevention service that meets expectations. Likewise, the company considers it essential to strengthen its commitment to a culture of prevention and to integrate and optimize resources.
Thanks to the individual commitment of all employees and the involvement of suppliers, contractors and collaborating companies, APImovilidad advances in the construction of the desired prevention culture, approaching its ultimate objective of zero accidents.
APIfabricación’s prevention policy does not only comply with the Occupational Health and Safety regulations that apply in the countries where it operates, but also promotes the integration of occupational risk prevention into the company’s strategy through advanced practices, training and information.
APIfabricación has the following principles in managing the health and safety of its employees. These principles are as follows:
- Compliance with current legislation and regulations on the prevention of occupational risks and other requirements that it voluntarily subscribes
- Integration of prevention in all the activities and in all the hierarchical levels, from a correct planning and implementation
- Adoption of all measures necessary to guarantee the protection and welfare of its employees
- Continuous improvement of the system, through adequate training and information on prevention
- Qualification of staff and application of technological innovations
Equality Policy
Effective equality between women and men is a strategic principle in our Corporate and Human Resources Policies, absolutely subject to the integration of the principle of equal treatment and opportunities, implementing active policies that promote female employment in technical and operating professions with the objective of reducing the female underrepresentation and occupational segregation existing in the sectors of our activity.
More specifically, API Manufacturing, has agreed with the RLPT on a series of measures that show the unequivocal commitment to equality, ensuring the absence of gender biases, and therefore, of any type of discrimination, whether direct or indirect, correcting any inequality that may occur in terms of hiring, promotion, training, working conditions and occupational health, underrepresentation, equal pay, prevention of sexual and gender-based harassment, in addition to communication, both external and internal, image and language .
In addition, these plans improve the legally established rights for women victims of Gender-Based Violence and Sexual Violence and approve a protocol for prevention and action against sexual and gender-based harassment agreed with the social agents.
To consult the I Equality Plan of API Manufacturing click here.